Public IP and Email addresses

What is a public IP address?
A public IP address is an IP address that can be accessed directly over the internet and is assigned to your network router by your internet service provider (ISP). Your personal device also has a private IP that remains hidden when you connect to the internet through your router’s public IP.
Using a public IP address to connect to the internet is like using a P.O. box for your snail mail, rather than giving out your home address. It’s a little bit safer, but a lot more visible.
Public IP addresses are available at R50.00/per month
Email Adresses
Per inbox
- Bronze 300MB – R25
- Silver 1GB – R35
- Gold 2GB – R45
- Platinum 3GB – R55
Custom Domain
R20/Month for the domain
+ Storage shared over all inboxes
- Bronze 300MB – R25
- Silver 1GB – R35
- Gold 2GB – R45
- Platinum 3GB – R55